Murray Park Governors


Murray Park are recruiting Parent Governors to promote high standards within school Click here to view


Parent Governors

Jacqui Fowler (Vice Chair)

Vasileios Papachristos

Rachel Yemm

Amanda Baxendale


Local Authority

Nicola Caley

Staff Governors
Jan Woolley

Partnership Governors
Vasileios Papachristos (Chair of Finance)

Alice Rose

Co-Opted Governors
Paul Davies
Mark Fowler

George Makasis

Jonathan Hithersay



Governors’ period of office is 4 years. Chair and Vice Chair in Office for 2 years

Full Governors 2023/24

Key Role of the Governing Board

  • Ensure clarity of vision, Ethos and strategic direction in supporting the delivery of the schools vision
  • Contribute support and monitor the school’s Development Plan
  • Contribute support and monitor the school’s self-evaluation and understand its strengths and weaknesses
  • Provide challenge and hold the head teacher and other senior leaders to account for improving the quality of teaching, pupils’ achievement and pupils’ behaviour and safety.
  • Use performance management systems, including the performance management of the head teacher to improve teaching, leadership and management
  • Ensure solvency and probity and that the financial resource made available to the school are managed effectively and provide value for money
  • Operate in such a way that all statutory duties are met and priorities approved
  • Use the pupil premium and other resources to overcome barriers to learning, including reading, writing and mathematics
  • Engage with key stake holders including developing working relationships with local industries, hospitals, other educational establishments and other businesses to authenticate and contextualise the pupil experience in such a way as to inspire learning

Meeting Dates

 Tuesday 26th September 2023
 Tuesday 16th January 2024
 Tuesday 16th April 2024
 Tuesday 9th July 2024


P. Davies (Chair)  J. Fowler (Vice Chair) N. Caley M. Fowler V. Papachristos  J. Woolley  G. Makasis A. Rose R. Yemm A. Baxendale


Teaching and Learning Committee 2023/24

Meeting Dates

Tuesday 7th November 2023
Tuesday 27th February 2024
Tuesday 4th June 2024


P. Davies N. Caley J. Fowler (Chair) V. Papachristos  J. Woolley  R. Yemm A. Baxendale

Key Role of the Committee

• Quality of Teaching
• Assessment policy and practice and the impact on Teaching and Learning.
• Feedback to students and impact on progress.
• Performance Management

Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare 2023/24

Meeting Dates

Tuesday 3rd October 2023
Tuesday 13th February 2024
Tuesday 21st May 2024


M. Fowler (Chair) P. Davies N. Caley J. Fowler V. Papachristos  J. Woolley  R. Yemm A. Baxendale


Key Role of the Committee

• Personal development curriculum monitoring
• Behaviour and Attendance
• Pupil Premium including progress
• Inclusion and Learner Support including progress
• Pastoral Care including bullying, racist incidents and other types of harassment
• Safeguarding
• Student wellbeing including keeping healthy
• Student Voice
• Parent/Carer Voice


Finance, Personnel and General Purposes Committee 2023/24

Meeting Dates

Tuesday 24th October 2023
Tuesday 5th March 2024
Thursday 25th April 2024

Tuesday 25th June 2024


V. Papachristos (Chair) P. Davies  N. Caley  M. Fowler J.Fowler J. Woolley R. Yemm A. Baxendale


Key Role of the Committee

• Management of Finance and Resources
• Personnel
• Health and Safety
• Building and Maintenance

Quality of Education Committee 2023/24

Meeting Dates

 Tuesday 17th October 2023
 Tuesday 30th January 2024
 Tuesday 7th May 2024


P. Davies (Chair) N. Caley J. Fowler (Vice Chair) V. Papachristos J. Woolley R. Yemm A. Baxendale


Key Role of the Committee

• Curriculum
• Student outcomes (including disadvantaged and most able)
• Student progress (including disadvantaged and most able)
• Assessment

The Six ‘Link Governor’ Roles

Governor Attendance 2023/2024


Governor Attendance 2022/2023

Governor Attendance 2021/2022

Governor Attendance 2020/2021


Key: (Re) = Resigned (de) = Deceased

Governors’ Terms of Office

Governors’ period of office is 4 years. Chair and Vice Chair in Office for 2 years

Name Governor Category Terms of Office Date Stepped Down
Robin Williamson Parent 21/10/14 – 20/10/18 06/09/16
Adam Gomes Co-opted 30/06/15 – 29/06/19 19/09/16
Teresa Day Staff 08/10/13 – 07/10/17 06/01/17
Trandeep Sethi Co-opted 31/05/16 – 30/05/20 01/02/17
Debbie Stewart Parent 22/11/16 – 21/11/20 12/02/17
Claire Simmill-Parker Parent 31/05/16 – 30/05/20 14/07/17
Antony Ussher Co-opted 11/11/15 – 10/11/19 25/08/17
Derek Crocker Co-opted 08/04/14 – 07/04/18 31/08/17
Jayne Warner Parent 08/04/14 – 07/04/18 07/04/18
Rebecca Somes Head 01/05/17 – 30/04/21 08/04/18
Ian Bennett Parent 10/05/17 – 09/05/21 14/05/18
Chris McGrath

Fiona Williams

Jo Pickering





.24/09/19 – 23/09/21

18/09/17 – 17/09/21




Resigned Governors

Brian Stephenson Partnership Governor

Register of Interests

Name Position  Name of organisation Nature of interest Date interest was registered Date interest ceased Notes
Nicola Caley Headteacher N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Jacqui Fowler Co-opted N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Jan Woolley Staff N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Monica McAlindon Parent Governor
Mark Fowler Co-opted N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Paul Davies Co-opted (Chair) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
George Makasis Parent Governor
Alice Rose Parent Governor
Vasileios Papachristos Parent Governor N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Governors  Register of Business Interests GDPR Financial Interests Governance roles in other schools or educational institutions Material Interests arising from relationships between governors and between governors and school staff (inc spouses, partners and close relatives
Paul Davies YES YES None None None
Nicola Caley YES YES None None None
Jacqui Fowler YES YES None None None
Mark Fowler YES YES None None None
Vasileios Papachristos YES YES None None None
Monica McAlindon
Lisa Kay YES YES None De Ferrers None
Alice Rose
George Makasis YES Wife works at the school
Jan Woolley YES YES None None None


Governors’ Code of Conduct

Please use this link to view: Governors Code of Conduct Policy

Introducing The Governors

I am now a Co-opted Governor, although for five years I was a Parent Governor whilst my daughter was a student at Murray Park. I am a former Headteacher of two secondary schools. I left headship to become Head of Secondary School Improvement at Derby City Council before retiring from full-time work. For the next five years I was an educational consultant working with schools across Derby before ceasing that work in order to become Chair of Governors at Murray Park.

Paul Davies – Chair of Governors


I am a civil servant with the Health & Safety Executive, with a daughter currently at Murray Park and a son who has recently left for higher education having spent his GCSE years at Murray Park. I specialise in business and people change, having spent more than 20 years working first within technology and more recently in business psychology. I also volunteer with the Derby Music Centre and am passionate about inclusivity across all areas of the curriculum.

Jacqui Fowler – Vice-Chair of Governors


I was educated in Yorkshire before attending Teacher Training College at Dartford in Kent where I qualified as a PE Teacher. I worked in several schools before being appointed to the staff of Murray Park School when the city was reorganised in 1989.

Whilst working at the school I have had a variety of teaching positions including 2nd in PE and acting HOD before becoming a Head of Year in 2001. With the subsequent re-organisation of the Pastoral structure I became Assistant Community Director for Kestrel and then Communities and Enrichment Co-ordinator after a further restructure. I am now a member of the World Studies department teaching all subjects across KS3 and KS4 PSHE. I was also the staff representative on the PTA for 18 years and was responsible for numerous fundraising events.

Out of school, I have been Chair of the Derbyshire Schools Netball Committee since Easter 1989 where I have been involved in coaching, team managing and tournament organisation.

Jan Woolley – Staff Governor


I am an IT portfolio manager for DXC, previously EDS and then HP, with over 20 years experience across industry sectors. I have led a number of technical programmes globally and, as a subject matter expert in delivering large business transformations, I work well at all levels of an organisation with a governance focus. My son attended Murray Park School and left in 2020.

Mark Fowler – Co-opted Governor


I am an Engineer working at Bombardier. My role is in product performance and safety. I like investigating possible root causes of failures or near misses and this is also my approach in life. As a parent my role is to fully support my daughter and son who is now in Y1. My motto in life is to always be proactive. Knowledge is endless and I like to be a life-long learner. Education should be the number one priority of all societies as this is the only way to build a better future.

Vasileios Papachristos – Parent Governor


I am a co-opted Governor at Murray Park School with a daughter in year 8 and my wife is currently the Murray Park librarian.   My background is finance related and I currently work as an accounts payable assistant.  I have a BA Hons in accounting and economics which I studied at Derby University.  I enjoy helping out within the local community and spending time with my family and children.  I want to contribute to the continued improvement and development of the school which I consider is improving year on year, to ensure student’s school experience is as inclusive, diverse, and developmentally challenging as it can be.  It is exciting to be able to support education, Murray Park and all its pupils.

George Makasis – Co-opted Governor


My youngest son joined year 7 at Murray Park in 2023, and since I am already Chair of Governors for 2 small village schools, I decided to become a Parent Governor.  I bring with me 5 years of knowledge and experience. During this time, I have been involved in 3 Ofsted visits and have been through the process of joining an academy trust. This has given me a vast understanding of the expectations and requirements for school improvements.  I am passionate about children not only receiving the best education, but the skills they need to prepare them for the outside world.  When I am not volunteering as a Governor, I own a business, working as a Senior Event Manager on large global events, my core skills being operations, logistics and budget control.  I am looking forward to supporting Murray Park in becoming an outstanding school.

Rachel Yemm – Parent Governor


I am a Co-Opted Governor who works as a Senior Technician for L.E.A.D. IT Services who do the IT support for the school. I started working in corporate IT when I left school then moved into Education IT support when I joined Murray Park’s IT Support team in 2008, then in 2017 the school outsourced the IT support of the school to L.E.A.D. IT Services who took me on at the same time.

John Hithersay – Co-opted Governor